Do you struggle to write ? As an advertising or editorial photographer you know you have to be able to communicate what your work is about, why you did it, what your vision is and your interpretation of a brief. It comes with the territory (hello treatments!) But articulating what you want to say can
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The first 5 months and what’s next
OMG it’s June! Have you paused to take stock yet? This year I’ve run a live webinar about getting a rep, held a workshop about folio building with CAPIC in Vancouver, and met up with about 20 photographers who’ve done my programme in Melbourne. I spent 10 days in Havana, Cuba, with 7 photographers from around the
3 Essential steps before you estimate a job
When an amazing brief lands in your inbox, are you sometimes tempted to say ‘yes’ straight away? Even if you wait until the full briefing meeting, you might feel pressured to have all the answers, and again, to agree to changes and suggestions which may turn out to be unachievable or out of budget. You
Out of sorts?
Lying in bed a few weeks ago, with very little brain power to do much more than half-heartedly meander through Google, I discovered the origin of the idiom ‘Out of sorts’. Ha. In the world of printing (pre-computers) the letters were called ‘sorts’. If there were some missing, you were ‘out of sorts’. (I should
Cuba, Crash landings and that C bug
I opened my eyes on the galley floor at the back of flight 23 to Auckland from Vancouver. 2 flight attendants leaned over me. My last memory was leaving my seat 6 rows back to go to the bathroom. ‘This will sting a little’ said the flight attendant as he dabbed at my face. I
To all women image makers
‘10 years ago I was standing at a bus stop with 2 kids by my side, on my way to a women’s refuge.’ she said. ‘Since then I guess I’ve been hiding.’ I had blitzed the photographer’s work and we were on a Zoom call. In amongst the lovely short-depth-of-field peonies on tables and little girls
3 steps to be seen by award winning creatives
This past week I’ve been ensconced in judging the first round of Art Director’s Club Annual Awards. It’s been such a reaffirming process I wanted to share 3 key takeaways that are also the foundations of my mentoring process with photographers. 1. Start with your own uniqueness There are still countless creative decision-makers out there