A Halloween message

31 October, 2023

Do you have fears and worries about your business?

You’re not alone.

So many things can be scary about being a freelance photographer, especially these days with so much change happening around us.

In Steven Pressfield’s brilliant book ‘The War of Art’ he claims that resistance is experienced as fear, and this in turn is caused by a lack of self confidence.

(If you watched my webinar ‘Your client attraction process’ you will have heard me quote this.)

Even if you’re a successful, talented, experienced photographer self-doubt is probably lurking under the surface and it only takes a few lost bids or being ghosted (see what I did there) to lose confidence and wonder if you’ve still got it.

When you feel like this it’s often easier to hide in a corner and lick your wounds than keep going.

But go you must!

The world is a very jittery place at the moment but ultimately we all still have to eat and drink and Thanksgiving and Christmas is a-coming, and all this requires marketing.

At the end of the day if you want to be in the mix when the brief goes out you need to be top of mind.

My message today is simply to keep showing up.

  1. Share your best work. (Make sure it is consistent and on brand)
  2. Connect. (And do it in a way which is positive and reflects where you want to go.)
  3. Rinse and repeat.

Because that kind of confidence (real or perceived) will make you a trusted brand, and even has the power to inspire great ideas.

Happy Halloween!

“Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.”

-Steven Pressfield, The War of Art