Yesterday I pulled a poor woman from the surf, wide eyed and frightened. She’d been tipped off her boogie board and was clutching it weirdly from upside down, like a beached turtle. She was terrified to let go lest she drown, and waves crashed over her face as she strained to keep it above water.
Finding Direction
Stuff ups and successes (Getting unstuck part 2)
Happy new year! (Yeah I know we’re a week in but a girl’s got to have a break.) In my last post I gave you some prompts to acknowledge how much you achieved last year. If you missed it you can find it here and I strongly recommend you give it a go. Today I
A tough year closes (Getting unstuck part 1)
It’s been another tough year for many photographers- if not financially, emotionally, and I want you to be proud that you made it this far. As 2021 draws to a close I encourage you to wrap up your year by mind dumping all your successes, achievements and wins. Take yourself off somewhere quiet and make
Impostor Syndrome and Thanksgiving
If you suffer from impostor syndrome you may feel that you don’t deserve receiving help, kindness or compliments. You might find yourself mumbling self-effacing comments, passing the credit onto someone else, or struggling to accept any kind of praise about your work. You are not alone. In fact a staggering percentage of people struggle with
When you feel like a failure
You’re in a meeting with an award winning advertising creative, or an agent you’d love to rep you, and they ask the dreaded question; ‘What have you been up to recently?’ What do you say? Do you suddenly draw a blank, forget everything you’ve been doing, decide you’re an abject failure and make excuses for
One thing that could be missing from your work
I’m astonished at the number of photographers I meet who were musicians in their former lives. If not musicians it was their world. They lived and breathed music. Is that you? Very few of photographers fully harness it in their photography though. It’s a separate ‘thing’. But we’re no longer living in times where music
Are you a ‘when I’ person?
Are you sometimes guilty of being a ‘when I’ person? As in, ‘When I get some down time I’ll contact that rep/ fix my website/ start that personal project/ go for a walk…..” The problem with this is you’re leaving your actions in the hands of fate (again). If you wait too long, opportunities pass,