Finding Direction

Get signed in 2021

In the last week before Christmas, in space of 4 days, I received lovely calls from three of my clients wanting me to be the first to know that they had signed with a new rep. One was a European based photographer who secured a top rep in New York to replace his lack lustre

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The inevitable tide of change

It was 2pm. I was planting veggies in my garden. The sun was shining and there was a gentle summer breeze stirring the Nikau Palms. As I worked, everything darkened. I looked up to see an eerie sepia tone washing over an ashen sky. Pink roses popped and everything else receded. My blue sparkly harbour

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How to break the ice

A few months ago I asked how good you were at receiving compliments. But how good are you at GIVING compliments? Maybe hiding behind a camera is exactly how you like it. Maybe talking to random strangers is not your bag. But then you find out to make a living you have to build relationships

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Celebrate your decade

In New Zealand today is already the first day of 2020 (whoop whoop!) – a new decade. I have so much to celebrate from the last decade. The sale of The Collective Force, my photo agency, and OPTNZ, my production company- which have continued to thrive under new ownership. Multiple interviews in multiple magazines and

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4 ways to look like an international shooter.

I see a lot of photography. LOTS. Through judging, reviewing, blitzing, and editing folios & websites there are many recurring themes that come up and understandably one of them is travel. Even when I ask photographers the billionaire question (what would you do if you had limitless money?) a regular answer is ‘Travel and shoot’ Let’s face

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Fear, failure, focus

Since being in USA I have seen many, many pumpkins and fake cobwebs and people dressed in quite odd costumes, and every conversation is about upcoming Halloween parties. They say Halloween started with the Pagan festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Let’s face it, they didn’t

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How deep do you dare to go?

I just returned from my weekly Wednesday swim in the sea. I’ve been doing this all through winter. It’s the best feeling, though my friends think I’m mad. What’s madder is I’m kind of scared of the ocean, especially being out of my depth. But I make myself face that fear and push into slightly

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