Folios & Editing

Find your inner Bruce Marigold

I want to introduce you to Bruce Marigold. (We’ll get to David later). Bruce is a pen name my husband has invented for a script he really wanted to write, but with which he didn’t initially want his name associated. (Oh damn- there goes that secret). He wanted to be completely free to explore an

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Seven quick holiday reads for photographers

It’s that funny old week between Christmas and the new year. In Auckland everyone is on holiday although summer is being obnoxiously evasive, dammit. Oh hang on, here it is. Oh and it’s gone again…. Wherever you are, if you’re a photographer and thinking about 2017, you might want some reading material. (For, you know,

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How to get paid to shoot what you love

The other day I had a bit of an Aha moment. There I was, trying to think of names for my new 8 week Bootcamp. I was endeavouring to come up with all sorts of clever ways to explain how I uncover photographers’ essence, help define who they are, show them how to them reveal their own authenticity, and change their

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Five ways to reality-check your work

We all know that moment in the movie where the protaganist does something seemingly out of character, or completely unbelievable and… boom. You’ve disengaged. ‘There’s no way he would do that!’ I’ll think as I sit back, inwardly questioning my husband’s sanity for buying tickets to the film in the first place. All the way home in the car

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Build it and they will come

Just before Christmas a car crashed into my house. The driver lost control on the bend, over corrected, narrowly missed three terrified joggers, ploughed through our front garden taking with it a mature Camelia, a Daytura, an old rose and a 12 ft Nikau Palm before hitting the wall of the room in which I’d

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5 steps to creating an inspiring personal project

Sometimes I feel like a lone ranter, perpetually nagging photographers about keeping up their personal work, shooting their next series, and tapping into their inner artist. That’s why, at Image Nation, a conference in Auckland last year, I was thrilled to hear this being reinforced again and again. Not only did the speakers show some extraordinary work, but

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5 Reasons to Throw out Your Babies

Recently I heard the good news that yet another of my clients won the top prize in a photographic competition. What’s great is that he won it for a shot he took for a dream client, shooting the kind of job he would shoot even if he weren’t paid. Only he was. And on top of

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