Finding Direction

Slay the dragon

In exactly a week’s time, all over Asia, the Chinese Lunar New Year is beginning, and I always love this time to actually stop and set goals. Let’s face it- there’s just so much stuff going on in December and January. This year is the year of the dragon, and often known as the year

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Guns and Lenses

OMG can we please invent a new word for ‘shooting’ this year ? ‘Lens-based-image-making’ is ridiculously long winded. ‘Photographing’ means stills only. ‘Filming’ means motion only. FFS. I looked online for alternatives to the word shoot. These were some of them: Execute Fire Launch Blast Explode Murder Bombard Hit Hurl None of them the focused,

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Who wants to revive this year?

Can I just say that even though we’re in summer, the Pacific ocean is freezing at the moment. It always starts off cold and in early autumn it’s warmest of all. I love the cold water so much. I like the contrast and how glowy I feel when I get out. The pain is worth

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Are you floundering?

In my recent conversations with photographers I am noticing a sense of floundering. Not knowing quite how to pick up again after the last few years. You may be in that boat. Perhaps you quit your agent or production house, or they closed down. Maybe they’re just not getting you the work any more. You

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Purpose, personal work and more

Why are you a photographer? If you’ve worked with me you’ll know that the reason you do what you do is one of the most important aspects of your brand. Understanding your purpose, or ‘why’, is so incredibly useful in shaping personal work and guiding your decisions moving forward. This is just one of the

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How to get your marketing done in 2 steps

If you’re a lens based image maker you are probably far too busy shooting personal and paid work (and don’t even mention all those estimates and treatments) to produce any kind of marketing content. And other times you’re juggling family, house reno’s, yada yada. (#life) But have you ever considered batching? As I write this

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Reflect, reinvigorate and connect

Today in Aotearoa we are celebrating Matariki – the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known by the ancient Greeks as the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters. It rises just above the horizon at dawn in late June or early July, and for many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year.

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