Personal work is not this

8 April, 2024

If you watched the presentation last week with Billy Plummer you’ll have heard him talk about the difference between tests and personal work. (If not, you can still catch the replay here.)

It’s well understood that tests are when you photograph to try out new gear, lighting and technique.

But when you photograph with an end user in mind – for example, a potential buyer or client, such as an advertising creative or photo editor – you’re really still ‘testing’.

When the outcome you want from the image is to impress someone else, you can tend to compromise what you make, and allow your perception of what other people want to cloud your vision.

At the beginning of your career testing is especially important, to learn your craft and show what you can do, and you probably never stop testing, no matter how seasoned you are.

But personal work is not this. It’s another thing entirely.

Personal work is work you’re making purely for yourself.

Work that actually expresses what you want to say- in YOUR way.

You don’t actually have to share it with anyone unless you like it, and that is so incredibly freeing, once you get your head around it.

Making work that comes straight from your heart and isn’t afraid to express an opinion is super powerful as it’s far more likely to turn heads and get you noticed – and hired.

It’s a win win.

What would you really want to create if you didn’t have to work for anyone?

What would you make if failure wasn’t an option?

I’ll leave you with that this weekend.

I know it can be really hard to let go and trust the process. So if you’re hitting some speed bumps with personal work, there are a few ways I can help:

1. Watch this free presentation ‘It’s all Personal – how personal work gets you paid’. It’s truly inspiring.

2. Consider joining our next Series Project workshop in Hanoi this June. We are closing registrations on 15th April.


“A huge thank you to Billy and Christina for your guidance, willingness to share, support and vision to help creatives around the world.”
– Guy Davies