Do you have fears and worries about your business? You’re not alone. So many things can be scary about being a freelance photographer, especially these days with so much change happening around us. In Steven Pressfield’s brilliant book ‘The War of Art’ he claims that resistance is experienced as fear, and this in turn is
Are you floundering?
In my recent conversations with photographers I am noticing a sense of floundering. Not knowing quite how to pick up again after the last few years. You may be in that boat. Perhaps you quit your agent or production house, or they closed down. Maybe they’re just not getting you the work any more. You
‘Get on the mat’
This morning (thanks to a tiny touch of jetlag) I was up with the sparrow’s fart, practicing yoga on my deck as the dawn chorus gradually obliterated the stars. (The birds are noisy here.) It’s not always this easy. I often lie in bed procrastinating when I should just get up. My yoga teacher says
Something to help you through the last quarter
I’m halfway around the world on my way back to Auckland, New Zealand. It feels good to be heading back to my office with my views and flowers, and I’m itching to get stuck into work again. I’d like to celebrate by sharing another live workshop with you in just over 1 week. Your client
Beer, Thanksgiving and Folios
Hello, This Friday is my last day in England, where I’ve been (mostly) for the last month, so if you’re near London on 13th October and you’d like to meet, or ask me questions about your marketing, please do pop into the Lansdowne Pub in Primrose Hill (where else would you meet in England but
What do you do?
Do you have an ‘elevator speech’? I’ve just been in London for the AOP Awards (three of my wonderful clients were shortlisted which was very gratifying.) The last time I was here, I ran a workshop and at the beginning, I asked the photographers present to introduce themselves. ‘I’m a fashion photographer’ said one, squirming
Purpose, personal work and more
Why are you a photographer? If you’ve worked with me you’ll know that the reason you do what you do is one of the most important aspects of your brand. Understanding your purpose, or ‘why’, is so incredibly useful in shaping personal work and guiding your decisions moving forward. This is just one of the