So my daughter (artist and musician) and husband (ad agency creative and script writer) were in the kitchen this morning, hovering over a bowl of cherries and slab of half-demolished Christmas cake whilst they checked out Juxtapoz on the ipad. They were admiring the technical ability of an artist who could render perfect images with the humble
Finding Direction
The Power of Women
I was recently asked by an emerging photographer if there was any hope of her ever getting work as a commercial photographer. She had discovered that it was a male dominated world made up of mostly male photographers working with mostly male creatives. She wondered why; did I know?And was the effort even worth it?
Quiet spell?
Sometimes work is just scarce. It isn’t necessarily a reflection of your skill and is rarely a reflection of price. When I was an agent, and there was a lull in work, I used to jealously watch photographers pop off to the movies, take their kids to the zoo, and go on holidays. Meanwhile in
Enter the Dragon
Happy New Year! Most of my Chinese clients and friends are on holiday today, celebrating this auspicious time of year with their families and a cacophony of very loud fireworks. (I was in China during one New Year and thought World War 3 was taking place outside my hotel room window- the booms and crashes
Goodbye Office, Hello World!
The first of April was a pretty significant date for The Collective Force. It was the official date on which I ceased to represent photographers so I could set up my folio consulting business. My first task was to clear the remnants of the office from nooks and crannies not already dealt to by my