Closing the deal

Are you previewing expectations?

When my son was little, he would constantly ask with wide-eyed worry, “What’s going to happen next?” If we were travelling or doing things together as a family, the question was particularly unappeasable. At Christmas he couldn’t bear to leave presents unwrapped under the tree…the idea of surprise and  ‘not knowing’ was far too stressful. By Christmas

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Closing the deal with a bang

Have I mentioned that I’m a Virgo? For what it’s worth, this means that I am finickity about presentation in general. Grammar, design, colours, you name it. Oh, and all the neatly ordered jars in my pantry are labelled, much to my family’s amusement. I studied graphic design back in the early Eighties, and whilst

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Apologies for the absence of recent posts. I’ve been trying to find words to explain the feeling of selling my ‘baby’ of 16 years, and the first photographer’s agency in New Zealand, The Collective Force. Not that I’m sad- I am over the moon that the business will continue with a new lease of life.

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On the sticky subject of shooting for friends

It’s a Saturday morning and an appropriate time to be thinking about this topic. You’re sitting with your friends drinking your flat white at a cafe, discussing everything from kids to dogs to work and the universe. Life is good. Someone mentions a quandary they or a sister in law or their lifelong business partner

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Are you a YES or NO person?

Traveling to different countries has taught me that just because everyone is speaking English doesn’t mean that they are actually saying the same thing. I just returned from a holiday in Fiji. Over there, when they say ‘we’re leaving in five minutes’, that could mean anything from half an hour, to five hours, to tomorrow.

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