The seed of new work

29 January, 2025

When I’m helping photographers with their bio, or story, I ask them to make a note of things we wouldn’t know about them.

In my Bootcamp program at the end of last year we discovered that 2 of the photographers (who lived in completely different countries and did not know one another before my programme) had both been run over as toddlers.

What are the chances?

They also had the exact same sofa in their living rooms (noticed on one of our Zoom calls), and they were both fashion photographers- one an ardent feminist, and one a defender of transgender rights.

One of the things I love about meeting people is uncovering our commonalities. It helped me enormously as an agent and makes building relationships so much easier.

Discovering these commonalities can humanise the people you want to work with, and make meeting them seem less daunting. They might have the same dog, kids the same age, favourite restaurant, or as some of my clients have found out, they could have grown up in the same obscure location as you, have the exact same sofa or even been run over as a toddler.

If you’re experiencing a bit of imposter syndrome, or are worried about getting in front of new people, especially clients who are highly respected and regarded, remember there will always be something you have in common beyond photography.

And that’s where the seed of a solid relationship, and potential new work, lives.

Go get ’em tiger!