Women photographers

Hope has Wings

To many photographers, being at the top of their game doesn’t just mean making beautiful work for clients, but also being seen and acknowledged by the art world or organisations like Magnum. Maybe that’s you, too. For British photographer Nancy MacDonald, this was something she dreamed of but didn’t believe was possible until she made

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The Kiss of Death

This weekend’s inspiration is a flashback to this time 4 years ago, when borders closed and we all found ourselves facing lockdown. Very strange times indeed. As an antidote to this, ex-advertising creative and top ad photographer Billy Plummer and I created an online workshop, taking 20 photographers from around the world through the process

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Working like a mother

Today as we celebrate International Women’s Day, I want to shout out to all you fricken-amazing-rockstar-kick-ass women who have turned photography into a career. It’s hard enough in general to be a lens-based image maker but holy moly, the hurdles that women have faced over the years need no explanation. One of those hurdles has

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You don’t know what you’re doing

I was sitting in a dark theatre, entranced by the black and white portrait on the screen. A freckle-faced Irish child with wonky teeth and a cloth cap crinkled his eyes as he looked into the lens of Dorothea Lange. It was 1954 and Lange had been on assignment for Time Life Magazine when she

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The Power of Women

I was recently asked by an emerging photographer if there was any hope of her ever getting work as a commercial photographer. She had discovered that it was a male dominated world made up of mostly male photographers working with mostly male creatives. She wondered why; did I know?And was the effort even worth it?

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