If you ever happen to talk to me and notice my eyes glazing over and a distant look appear on my face, there’s a strong chance you’ve brought up the subject of your kit, or some form of equipment or tech.
(My clients know better- they simply do not go there).
It’s the reason I didn’t become a photographer and instead worked in the creative department of several ad agencies before becoming a photographer’s agent.
I don’t care what camera, lens, lighting, technique or set up you use, and – hear me out on this – neither do most advertising creatives or their clients.
What they (and I) care about is the final result.
Does it grab my attention?
Does it move me emotionally?
Is it convincingly believable?
And of course did it deliver what was promised (artistically and technically)?
In order to achieve these results of course you must be a good technician- it’s assumed in the ad world that that you have those skills.
(Although even that is surmountable if you have a good tech crew and a strong vision. This talk by Sophie Ebrard is the perfect example of that scenario.)
But it’s just the starting point. If you cannot bring the above criteria into your work, you might as well be just that- a technician for hire. (And then you’re fighting on price alone because style doesn’t come into it).
In twenty years as a rep I never needed to talk camera and gear. I left that to the producers and assistants.
I got jobs for photographers from people I’d built relationships with, on the basis of shoot style and inspiring personal work.
It then helped if the photographer was a decent human being with good problem solving and communication skills.
And a bit of negotiation of course.
When it comes down to it, this is fantastic news. It means you’re being hired for how your work looks, and you get to decide how you will achieve those results, and what tools you’ll use.
When you get to that point- talk to your producer, not me.