Is your Email marketing working?

23 April, 2024
I received an email from a photographer recently which was written in a very friendly chatty way, asking questions, and giving some advice.

But this photographer’s target audience is high end creative decision makers in the advertising, design and brand worlds.

Unfortunately these folk HATE being given advice, and worse still, asked questions!

It was simply the wrong tone entirely for them.

I contacted the photographer, (who happens to be very talented and onto it in all other aspects of his business) and mentioned my concerns.

‘Funny you should mention that’ he said. ‘This newsletter has had half the engagement of all previous newsletters I have sent out.’

It was no surprise to me.

I cannot stress enough how powerful Email marketing is, but you truly must get to know your own audience and how they think, behave and talk, so you can remain valid and welcome in their inbox.

It’s a very privileged place to be. Don’t screw it up.

I’d love to know your challenges with Email marketing. Do you even send Emails or are you too daunted by writing? Reply to this Email, or comment with your questions/ follow me on Instagram for some daily lives on this topic.