How to talk to creatives

3 May, 2024

Knowing your target market is one of the things I rant on about all the time so you can communicate with them in a way that’s not salesy.

Coming from the advertising world I learnt ‘ad speak’ quite young, so it has always been a part of my vernacular. As a photographers agent I had no problem yakking to creatives on sales trips because I felt at home in ad agencies. Oh, and I also married an advertising creative, so there’s that.

But I know it’s not second nature to many photographers, and when you’re trying to communicate with them, especially in writing, it can be quite daunting.

I’d like to lift the veil on that for you.

If you feel you struggle with Email marketing, knowing what to share, how to share it, and particularly how to write it, you might enjoy this upcoming workshop.

It was originally just for my VIP membership group of photographers who have done my mentoring program, but I’ve decided to make it accesible to a wider audience of photographers as it’s such a common issue.

In ‘How to talk to creatives’ I will:

  • Give you prompts and ideas so you never run out of things to talk about.
  • Help you understand HOW to write Emails in a way that inspires and helps them feel confident about hiring you.
  • Give a live review of 3 email newsletters and break down what to change and how to make it work.
  • Provide you with a checklist to take with you.

This is not a free webinar – it’s a paid workshop (but its a nominal amount) and I hope you’ll leave with some great tools and feel excited to inspire that elusive audience.

You can find out more here