How to get your marketing done in 2 steps

13 September, 2023

If you’re a lens based image maker you are probably far too busy shooting personal and paid work (and don’t even mention all those estimates and treatments) to produce any kind of marketing content.

And other times you’re juggling family, house reno’s, yada yada. (#life)

But have you ever considered batching?

As I write this I am sitting in Whistler, Canada, on a self-imposed work retreat. (And yes there might be some mandatory lake swims to get those creative juices flowing.)

But by the time you read it I’ll be in England.

Yesterday I dug into the nitty gritty of my calendar for the rest of the year. (Work and personal), so I could get clear on my marketing plan.

Today I am batching content. Writing all my weekly Emails for the next 3 months, so that I have a presence in spite of being offline and on the road, or buried in calls and Blitzes (see last weeks blog post).

I’m not suggesting you send out weekly Emails – you of course need to know and understand your target audience.

But imagine if you removed yourself from your usual distractions and spent a day or two just working on your social media content, or monthly Emails, or updating your website, or whatever you need to get done.

It’s easy:

  1. Change the cage. (Even the local cafe will do.)
  2. Batch it. (Choose one thing to focus on and smash it out.)

How nice to know that whilst you are busy shooting, you can still be top of mind for all the other people who are not involved in that production.

People who may have exactly the right brief for you on their desk.

If you’ve done my Bootcamp program you should have plenty of ideas on what to write. If you haven’t, and want guidance on this, there is a waitlist for my next Bootcamp program. Please Email help(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)christinaforce.netand ask to be added to it, and we will be in touch.