I’m often asked by photographers how they should share their personal work when it’s finished.
But have you ever considered sharing from the moment you start conceptualising?
Wait what? Give away my ideas?
Sharing ideas can be such a scary concept to many photographers, especially if you’re super competitive. But if you have a strong brand and voice, why not? No one else can make work the same way as you. Not convincingly anyway.
When you start a new concept, consider sharing your ideas by asking your online (and offline) audience for help.
- You may get some incredible insight into the topic you’re working on.
- All manner of people could be inspired to get involved – talent, crew, creatives and collaborators.
- Suggestions of locations and otherwise hidden places can reveal themselves.
- There might even be a client out there who wants to pay you to make it (I exaggerate not- I’ve seen this happen more than once).
You’d be amazed who’s watching and might come on board.
And at the very least it will create a buzz and pique interest.
I’m so passionate about photographers being more visible to reps, creatives, art producers, curators and photo editors, that I have an entire session devoted to sharing personal work in both my mentoring programmes.
If you’d like to know more, apply for a call with me to discuss ways I can help you.
Meanwhile, what are you working on that you can start talking about right now?