To many photographers, being at the top of their game doesn’t just mean making beautiful work for clients, but also being seen and acknowledged by the art world or organisations like Magnum.
Maybe that’s you, too.
For British photographer Nancy MacDonald, this was something she dreamed of but didn’t believe was possible until she made her series ‘Hope has Wings’ on The Series Project program.
Aside from being exhibited in some amazing art galleries, this project won her a very sought-after place on a one-year Magnum mentorship.
If you’d like to learn more about how to create personal work which attracts discerning people in the art and advertising worlds, please do join Series Project co-founder Billy Plummer and myself in 4 days for a live one-off online presentation ‘It’s all Personal – how personal work gets you paid.’
I know you’ll take away some brilliant aha’s from this talk and I can’t wait to share it with you.
If you’re not already registered, you can do so here.
“The Series Project has changed my world. How I see and believe in photography has transformed forever. It was my application piece for Magnum, and I’ve had incredible feedback about it through the interview process. I truly can’t thank you enough.”
-Nancy MacDonald