
20 July, 2024

We’re now into the second half of a year that has been tough for many, so let’s talk about divorce.

Not divorce from your partner, but divorce from your agent (or rep, or production house).

Many photographers contact me saying they’d like to leave their rep and make a new start.

But if you’re blaming your agent for things not working out, it may not be that simple.

You might actually need to fix yourself first. (Otherwise you’ll just have the same problems with another agent).

When you’re confused about your direction, trying to be something you’re not, unsure of what your visual style is, avoiding making personal work, or sharing work which honestly doesn’t float your boat, chances are you will have given your agent all the wrong messages about yourself, what you want and who you even are.

Avoiding them won’t help either.

How can you blame your rep for selling you as something else? They’re either second guessing you, or going after what they think you want.

And yet sometimes those same agents can be amazing if you get honest clarity around your brand and direction and share it with them.

Hallelulah- a clear path!

Everyone is happier.

I’ve seen it so many times.

Once you have that clarity, you can then make decisions of integrity.

And decide if they’re the right rep for you or not. And if they’re not, then you can look for an agent that is more aligned with your values and direction.

So don’t divorce your agent yet. Not until you’ve gotten that clear direction and understanding of what you love making, and where you want to be.

And if you’re looking for an agent right now, take note of this. It will be helpful in ensuring you start the relationship the right way, instead of facing an ugly divorce down the track.

I know you can sometimes feel trapped, as in this image above by the amazing Israel Rivera. But there is always a way out.

Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to be sharing a raft of insights into how to get noticed by those elusive reps, and whilst we’re at it, how to attract a better quality of clients (because the two are symbiotic).

Watch this space- it WILL be time sensitive.

If you need help getting clarity and direction – honest direction- you can book a free initial call with me here and we can discuss how I can help you.