There’s something about curtains. I have to say I’m a little obsessed with their power in photographs and film.
They mask, reveal, filter, frame, and add mystery, theatre, suspense and a mood which most windows, rooms and sets would be devoid of without their presence.
With the help of curtains your lens can be the voyeur, or the trapped; you can be the secret spy or lover or the guide into a new world. There’s very little they can’t help conjure up.
So it’s wasn’t surprising to discover that the late and great David Lynch felt the same way.
‘I don’t know where it came from, but I love curtains. There is something so incredibly cosmically magical about curtains opening and revealing a new world. It resonates on a deep level with people.’

I remember when I first saw Twin Peaks. I was on the edge of my seat and every episode lived in my head and worked its way into my dreams.
When I review and edit images and see photography and motion which has the same uncanny ability to make me feel a little off kilter, to make me question what’s really happening, and which introduces drama in a kitsch and mysterious way, I think of the incredible inspiration Lynch was.
And he was funny.
The thing about David Lynch is you knew exactly what you’d get from his movies. You knew the feeling, and if you were into it, you’d seek it out. THAT’S a brand.
If you can make work that’s one bit as evocative as Lynch, you’re on the right path. Because as I always say, you’re selling a feeling, not a product.

RIP David Lynch- may you continue to inspire film makers, directors, writers and artists forever.
I want to send my huge condolences to everyone in Los Angeles who has lost their home, or who has friends and family who’ve been displaced by the terrible wildfires. If you are a photographer or film maker who is struggling right now, I would love to offer you a call to help you back on your feet- no sales, just some solid support. Here’s the link to find a time on my calendar (for next week), or just Email me.