Celebrate your wins

2 January, 2024

We are at the end of the last week of the year, teetering on the brink of a new one.

For many it’s been a super tough year so I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to shove it firmly behind you with a ‘tarah and don’t come back’ wave.

But wait.

Have you celebrated your wins yet?

I recently took a group of photographers through this process and even I was blown away at the successes of those who thought it had been an utterly crap year.

My clients have achieved all manner of results this year, from getting representation and lovely briefs, having some great and productive meetings with key creatives and buyers they’d never met before, holding exhibitions and winning multiple awards.

Oh so many incredible awards!

But you don’t have to have won an award to celebrate. Even contacting someone you’d love to work with is a win.

And if you’re a workaholic photographer, celebrate any breaks you had (I’ll bet you were more creative and productive afterwards).

Consider how many times you contacted potential clients and reconnected with old clients.

And did you start, execute or even complete a personal project?

Did you shine a light on someone previously unseen, witness something powerfully important or give hope to just one viewer of your work?

So many things to congratulate yourself on, and to discover that you actually achieved much more than you thought.

Before you bid farewell to 2023 take a moment to scribble down your wins. It will get you in the perfect frame of mind to tackle 2024.

Well done, you’re amazing.

Watch out for a 3 part masterclass series I’m launching in early January. It’s designed to help you figure out what you want your year to look like, design a clear strategy to get in front of better clients, and get representation.