There are three things you should know about marketing to advertising creatives. 1. Email marketing is a proven effective way to build trust, stay top of mind and inspire ad creatives. It’s way more powerful than social media as you’re getting into their world and you’re driving the bus – choosing when and what to
Finding Direction
How to talk to creatives
Knowing your target market is one of the things I rant on about all the time so you can communicate with them in a way that’s not salesy. Coming from the advertising world I learnt ‘ad speak’ quite young, so it has always been a part of my vernacular. As a photographers agent I had
My current obsession
This month I’m obsessing about Email marketing. It’s a subject that I could rant on about all day because it really is just another way to stay top of mind with key creatives and art producers you want to notice (and hire) you. Oh, and those elusive agents too. Writing Email blasts is so much
Can you remember the first decent photography gig you got?
Can you remember the first decent paid photography gig you got? The one where you thought- OMG I’m really doing this! It might have been 30 years ago or 3 years ago but there’s a very strong chance it was inspired by something you created for yourself. And you shared it because, what the heck,
Personal work is not this
If you watched the presentation last week with Billy Plummer you’ll have heard him talk about the difference between tests and personal work. (If not, you can still catch the replay here.) It’s well understood that tests are when you photograph to try out new gear, lighting and technique. But when you photograph with an
How to make personal work which will get you paid
Have you ever wished you could get inside the brain of a creative director? One that has hired countless photographers for high end brand campaigns? I’m thrilled to share that in exactly one week from now I have a real treat for you. Join myself and Billy Plummer for an inspirational online presentation, “It’s all
What would happen if it all worked out?
There are probably lots of things you want. Beautiful, challenging, meaningful briefs that align with the work you love making. An income which allows you to support those who need you, and which gives you the freedom to say no to the jobs which don’t float your boat. And space to create work for yourself