Finding Direction

From Havana to Bondi

When I met 7 photographers in Cuba to help them make personal projects they’d developed on The Series Project Workshop, it wouldn’t have occurred to me that just over one year later the work would be one of the joint exhibitions being showcased at Head On Photo Fest this year. So I am beyond excited to announce

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Are you being pigeonholed?

Everyone knows that when you’re marketing you should focus on a niche. It’s true. It actually makes life much easier if you’re focusing on one group of people. But if you’ve been told that your niche is a type of industry like Pharma, automotive, sport or adventure, and you’re only targeting brands in those niches,

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Lost in translation in England

Train conductor 1 (in Geordie accent): ‘Eee I feel like I’m working fast today’ Train conductor 2 (in Polish accent): ‘You feel like?’ Train conductor 1: ‘Do I feel alright?’ Train conductor 2: ‘Yes I feel alright- another passenger asked me that before.’ I’m on a crowded train from London to Newcastle. Word for word,

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Sometimes further is better.

It’s a well known fact that scarcity is an important aspect of selling. If there’s only one of something left in a store – you’re more inclined to feel like you might miss out. As a photographer in the ad world you’d be forgiven for thinking you can’t create that kind of scarcity – it

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If I was your photo agent, this is what I’d do

OK, obviously this is hypothetical, because I sold my photographers’ agency, The Collective Force, years ago. But after talking to photo reps around the world, and hearing their gripes (and finding them similar to mine!) I wanted to share what I’d work with you on if I was repping you. I’d help you to get

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Attract the right rep

What with the closing of agent doors in some cities and the opening of new ones in others, there’s been a lot of shuffling around recently, and you might be a bit daunted by any suggestion of finding representation. But when there are two of you marketing (and one of you knows just about everyone

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We’re now into the second half of a year that has been tough for many, so let’s talk about divorce. Not divorce from your partner, but divorce from your agent (or rep, or production house). Many photographers contact me saying they’d like to leave their rep and make a new start. But if you’re blaming

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