Attract the right rep

26 July, 2024

What with the closing of agent doors in some cities and the opening of new ones in others, there’s been a lot of shuffling around recently, and you might be a bit daunted by any suggestion of finding representation.

But when there are two of you marketing (and one of you knows just about everyone worth knowing), and you get help with your negotiations (hell it’s usually done for you) as well as production support, your whole game can elevate dramatically.

I watched it happen with the photographers I used to rep. Their work simply improved. Quite impressively actually.

And if you’re living outside of a major city it’s well worth considering representation to help you be seen by the people that can give you those juicer jobs.

I’m not going to lie- good agents are like hen’s teeth and you may only get one chance to impress them, or even get in front of one, let alone be acknowledged by them.

And this is where it can all get very messy.

So I’ve created a FREE 3 part video series, ‘Attract the right photo rep’ which you can watch or listen to over the next week, including a live session with me on Sunday 23 July (USA/ Canada/ UK), Monday 24 July (NZ /Australia) where I’ll be answering ALL your questions.

The first 2 videos of my straight up kick-up-the-arse steps are available right now here.

This is for you if you want to:

  1. Attract a new rep (in a new city, country, or just because you’re fed up with ‘soloing’)
  2. Vastly improve the relationship with your current rep.

In the first video I’ll show you how to make a brilliant first impression. I’ll cover the 3 most important foundational elements you MUST have in place before you even attempt to meet with an agent- even if you are already repped and you’re trying to sort things out.

These 3 steps have helped so many photographers recover from being on the brink of ditching their reps, and strengthened their relationships and the quality of the work they’ve been put forward for.

I’m really looking forward to taking you through this series, and in doing so help you elevate your brand and visibility for 2025.