Are you guilty of this?

4 December, 2019

A couple of weeks back a photo editor from a well known magazine in NYC Emailed me, looking for a selection of photographer recommendations in Sydney, Australia.

The photographer had to be a woman and was needed to document an entrepreneur on the job.

Easy peasy I thought.

After suggesting three relevant photographers I had worked with in Sydney, I scrabbled around for additional photographers there who could shoot lifestyle, reportage imagery.

I found one. ONE!

Sydney is the largest city in Australia and finding a woman photographer who could answer very, very common type of brief was unnecessarily difficult.

Production Paradise and other online searches revealed little more.

This is a problem but it’s exciting to me. Because I KNOW you’re out there gals, I DO.

Yet no one can find you. (Well, not the right people anyway. Your mum and your partner don’t count) The people who can hire you don’t know you exist.

And goodness knows we need women to step up now and let themselves be seen.

But it’s not just women who are hiding. (Hello ‘I-just-like-being-behind-the-camera’ men and others, I’m talking to you too)

Wherever in the world you are, whether you’re a he, she or they, you may be a photographer guilty of being invisible.

If so, you cannot complain about not being seen, or hired. People are not psychic.

All over the world, right now the perfect client is looking for you. Yes, YOU!

So what are you going to do about it? What’s your VISIBILITY plan for 2020?

If you don’t have one, and you’re a working photographer, apply for a free strategy call with me here. If you’re quick, you might find some remaining spaces for next week, before I collapse in a heap for the rest of the year.