Are you doing any of these three things?

7 September, 2022

Are you doing any of these three things?

  1. Creating work that you think your audience will like (and not what you would make for yourself).
  2. Holding your new work close to your heart (for fear of others copying it) or simply leaving it on a hard drive.
  3. Avoiding contacting people you know could possibly hire you. (I see you! I know you’re dodging this!)

Yesterday morning I interviewed two photographers who have made an impact in the book publishing world.

Sam Harris has been flown to Photofests around the world to talk about his beautiful and intimate sell out photobook ‘The Middle of Somewhere’.

And Nicole England’s stunning first book Resident Dog sold out within 2 months.

Two extremes of the book world and yet there were three common points that they both reinforced as crucial aspects of getting published:

  1. Start by making something you’re passionate about. Shoot what you love!
  2. Don’t be afraid of sharing your work, even in other publications. Get it out there.
  3. Build relationships with like-minded people, and stay in touch.

These are the cornerstones of my mentoring (which both Sam and Nicole have done) and this process is also modelled endlessly by top advertising photographers around the world, and encouraged by the best agents.

So what are you waiting for?