This morning (thanks to a tiny touch of jetlag) I was up with the sparrow’s fart, practicing yoga on my deck as the dawn chorus gradually obliterated the stars. (The birds are noisy here.)
It’s not always this easy. I often lie in bed procrastinating when I should just get up.
My yoga teacher says ‘Just get on the mat’.
I like this approach as there is never any huge expectation that I’m going to complete 20 or 30 asanas- all I have to do is get on the mat. Then do one pose. Then maybe one more if I feel like it.
Before I know it I’ve done a 90 minute practice.
It’s the same with anything you’re procrastinating.
Personal work, marketing, follow ups and admin can all be daunting and it’s far easier to stick your head in the sand for a bit longer.
But what if you just did one thing?
- Pick up the phone.
- Open your Mailchimp template.
- Choose one shot to send to clients.
- Write a note.
- Sit at your desk.
- Pick up the camera (seriously!)
Just one tiny step could kick off a flow of inspiration, actions, and kick your procrastination in the butt.
What one thing will you do today?