When’s your New Year?

2 October, 2019

Yesterday some of my gorgeous friends were celebrating day two of Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year.

In June, Matariki, Maori New Year, was celebrated across New Zealand and beyond.

In February, across Asia, tools will be downed to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

I celebrate New Year in January, but I START my new year in April.

My whole working year is planned April to April, which gives me time after Christmas to have a holiday (it’s summer here) and then get stuck into some planning for the beginning of April (which also happens to be the beginning of the fiscal year).

The point is, your year can start whenever you want it to, as often as you want it to.

And that can be NOW.

If you’re waiting for January to get your shitake mushrooms together (I’m trying to be polite. It’s Jewish New Year), you could be putting off the inevitable, but also delaying opportunities.

  • Get your website dealt with NOW.
  • Put together your marketing plan.
  • Start that personal project.
  • Get your folio ready

Avoid that panicky feeling in January, where you wake up and realise that you’re already in the new calendar year.

For help with your ‘pre new year’  plan, you can book a strategy call with me here.