Yesterday a Canadian photographer who’s done my program told me about a huge bid he won late last year for a pharma client in USA.
‘I was up against some of the biggest names in the industry’, he said. ‘So we asked why they chose me. They said it was the bio on my website. Apparently it had way more personality than any of the others.’
So often it can be something seemingly insignificant that swings the vote.
And yet we had worked on that bio together to make it honest, engaging and helpful for the target audience of advertising creatives and art producers.
If you’ve worked in the industry as long as I have, in the number of countries in which I’ve lived, worked and negotiated jobs for photographers, you’ll know that it’s crucial to understand the world of the people you’re selling to.
Make sure you meet them at the place they’re at, not the place you think they’re at.
Everything you do that delivers another solution for them has the potential to win you those big commissions.
And that includes writing a bio that works for them, and gets you across the line on jobs.
How’s yours looking?
If you want to get across the line on jobs with top level reps, art producers and creative decision makers, book a free initial call with me here. I’ll help you get some clarity and direction and figure out if, and how, I can help you.