If I was your photo agent, this is what I’d do

4 August, 2024

OK, obviously this is hypothetical, because I sold my photographers’ agency, The Collective Force, years ago.

But after talking to photo reps around the world, and hearing their gripes (and finding them similar to mine!) I wanted to share what I’d work with you on if I was repping you.

  • I’d help you to get clear on what you want to be shooting, and we’d work on how to achieve that.
  • I’d dig deep into your work and uncover your brand- the guts and connection of your best work, and the feeling it evokes. And then I’d pitch it to creatives and art buyers I know would appreciate or ‘get’ it.
  • I’d differentiate you from my other artists, so you were memorable to everyone.
  • I’d stop you from trying to dumb yourself down by showing work you think people want to see. Instead I’d encourage you to create work no one has seen. And I’d encourage you to share it everywhere. (I’d also share it, proudly.)
  • I’d tell you to stop hiding, and stop making excuses for not being visible. Or visible enough.
  • I’d want to know your marketing strategy (and I’d help you with this, because we’d need to be aligned).
  • I’d expect your full trust, and in turn I’d give you mine.

In essence, I’d suggest you start thinking like the future photographer you want to be.

Not everyone has a rep, or one who does all the above (all reps are slightly different) so if you’re a working photographer and want me to dig into this more specifically for where you’re at, apply for a free strategy call with me here.

We’ll look at where you want to be, and I’ll show you how to get there.

You don’t have to do this alone.