My current obsession

29 April, 2024

This month I’m obsessing about Email marketing.

It’s a subject that I could rant on about all day because it really is just another way to stay top of mind with key creatives and art producers you want to notice (and hire) you.

Oh, and those elusive agents too.

Writing Email blasts is so much fun if you’re me, but I know it’s not the case for many photographers I meet.

And also it can feel yukky to be dropping into someone’s email inbox and not really knowing whether they are enjoying your notes or whether you’re boring the socks off them.

But I want to assure you that so long as you’re making gorgeous work and sending it to your audience there will be someone out there who IS reading them, who IS bookmarking your website, and watching you.

I truly know this, having seen so many situations where a creative hires a photographer after quietly following them for – literally – years.

It can seem like that’s not the case, especially when no one responds, but I promise every little thing you share will be seen by someone, and the more you consistently show up, the more you build trust and stay top of mind.

What are you going to share next?

I’d love to know your challenges with Email marketing. Do you even send Emails or are you too daunted by writing?

Thank you to my gorgeous friend Sara Orme for capturing me working in my happy place by the beach. Yes, you can write Emails anywhere!