
8 Week Live Bootcamp: Registration for next program closes 21 November, 2023.

Mentoring programme

This is an awesome process, designed to give you that kick in the pants you need!

If you want to break into a new market, or want to know how to bust down better doors in your own market, and improve the quality of your paid work- this intensive is for you.

'Your lessons are only one part of your arsenal....your inspiration has helped me walk into a room with clients and lay down the law....which in turn inspires confidence in myself and clients' confidence in me'

By the end of this programme you will have all the tools to:

  • Develop a new personal project which you'll be able to use in a multitude of ways to attract your dream clients
  • Establish your core authenticity: your key style, purpose, values and your personal direction/ goals
  • Define your ideal clients and how to reach them
  • Build a website which will engage, not confuse, your dream clients
  • Create a social media world which enables you to share your best work - without having to write anything
  • Get in front of your target clients so you never have to 'cold' call
  • Create a marketing plan which includes ways to build a name in a new city or country and how to stay top of mind

And I will guide you through every step of the way.

Call to discuss

Bootcamp includes:

  • Blitz , where I blast through and establish your most heroic work, then we have a call to discuss direction and style.
  • Lifetime access to the Bootcamp process and resources
  • Weekly video sessions for 8 weeks, with additional bonus videos
  • Weekly group Q&A sessions (with me), bolstered by one to one calls with me as needed
  • Lifetime access to my private, closed Bootcamp Facebook group- a community of photographers around the world who have attended the programme and are continuing the conversation, supporting each other and changing the world

'Had my biggest paying assignment ever this year, the schooling I had through the mentoring course helped get me through the pitching, bidding, treatments, creative calls, negotiating that led to the assignment.'

Call to discuss

Programme Content

Each week we will address a different aspect of your branding, then marketing, which will be broken down roughly as follows:

Define your style: As soon as you book the programme you'll be sent a link to book your blitz. In a one hour one-to-one session we will go through your work and I'll pinpoint the hero shots so you know where you should be heading.

Define your direction: After you book the blitz you'll receive info and instructions and templates to start the juices flowing so you can think about this prior to the first week.

Week 1: Harness your essence. Establishing your purpose, your values & your social conscience, and developing a long term project around these. Setting goals.

'Your course was a great catalyst and inspiration for my new work.'

Week 2: Define your dream clients. Helping you find dream target clients who will pay you more to shoot what you love, wherever they are in the world.

Week 3: Show them the way. Editing and constructing your website- a guide on how your website should look, how to edit your images, how to sort out all your shots so they’re easy to find and keep clients clicking, and and what to include.

Week 4: Give them the tools. Essential information to include on your website (and how) so that you attract attention from the right clients

'You have me going to bed thinking about photography and waking up thinking about photography.'

Week 5: Expand your world. Developing your blog and social media presence. How to share your work in the most beneficial ways for your brand.

Week 6: Plan your crusade. How an ad agency, design agency and marketing department works- who does what and who you should contact first, plus how to access target clients outside your own city or country. How to have them believing you are always there. Variations between countries. Starting your marketing schedule

'If anyone doesn’t do well after taking your course - they have not listened!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Week 7: Bust down doors Introductory process. The essentials to getting inside the heads of key people so you never have to cold call (scripts will be provided).

Week 8: Stay on track: Showing your folio- what to say and how to manage the meeting. Follow up and staying top of mind. Ideas for re-connecting, without rebuilding your folio. Completion of your marketing schedule.

Bonus session: How to build a folio.

© Emily Hlavac-Green
© Emily Hlavac-Green

'Many thanks, I will say this has been the best investment of my career – and it feels good to be inspired'

Call to discuss

What you need to know

You will be asked to book an Image Blitz session as soon as you've booked into Bootcamp.

It's included in the price and ensures you are clear about your direction, and will be able to focus clearly on the work we cover.

If you've already had a blitz with me the cost will be deducted.

The Bootcamp will also include:

  • Weekly one hour video coaching sessions so you can listen from anywhere in the world, at any time you wish
  • Tasks set each week relating to the week's topic so can implement what you learn immediately.
  • LIVE weekly group Q&A calls with me, where I answer your questions about the process, things you're stuck on, etc. This is held in the sanctuary of our closed Facebook group
  • Full access to 'Get paid what you love' Bootcamp website- a membership resource site including additional tools to help with the work and all programme recordings, slide shows, downloads and more
  • Free access to our closed, private Bootcamp Facebook group so that you can get support from other photographers in a safe environment. Here you can safely ask questions, discuss mutual issues, share useful resources and recommendations. As everyone has been through the programme you'll find many photographers walking the talk who can help you with your own issues. Being a photographer can be lonely- this is a wonderful and helpful tribe!

This is a very powerful and intense process. If you decide to join us be prepared to invest some quality time into the programme to gain maximum benefit, plus some openness to letting go of old habits and beliefs. Are you ready for that kick in the pants?

'Your course has had a quite an effect on me!!'

Call to discuss

See you on the other side! x

What my clients say

Look what you have done to me Christina - I’m now full of creative thoughts!  

Mark McKeown, Photographer, Tauranga