Craft, shoot & share a powerful, inspiring project with story and depth in 6 weeks.


Apply here


This will be our eighth mentoring programme guiding a limited group of professional photographers through a proven and multi-award-winning 6-week process to a thought-through series, one that demonstrates your unique visual voice.



  • Techniques & systems (as used by ad agency creatives) on how to develop and refine authentic personal narrative.
  • Inspiration, tips and ideas with working examples on idea generation & articulation, story structure, shooting style and the elements that hold a series together as a “family” of images & much more.
  • You’ll attend 5 live webinars including Q&A’s with Christina Force & Billy Plummer, and also receive 1:1 support
  • Actions set after each session to build and make your project happen and an online community forum for support and accountability.
  • 7 days shooting in an amazing location with daily reviews, editing support and an inspiring group of cohorts.
  • Most important of all, you’ll create a new project you’re proud of that’ll help keep you top of mind with clients so they’ll remember you when “that brief” comes across their desk.

“The organised and group nature of The Series Project was a great excuse to make me stop and devote a block of time to one project. Time to conceptualize, plan, and a whole week devoted to shooting it with no distractions.

But to be honest, the best part was the 'brains trust'; working with Billy and Christina, and the fellow photographers attending. My project has been recognised in the IPA Lucie Awards, as well as Le Book. Don't everyone else book though, because I want to make sure I can attend the next one!”

Christian Mushenko, New York/Sydney.

Award winning Photographer and director

This workshop is for working photographers who already know HOW to shoot, but not WHAT to shoot. It's NOT about honing technical skills, or showing you where to shoot. You‘ll get the tools to conceptualise, articulate, plan and share a compelling personal project, with a group of inspiring cohorts cheering you along.

Our goal is that you'll leave this workshop with newfound skill to repeat this process in any situation, and get more paid work as a result.


“I was able to show my series project around at Palm Springs Photo fest. As a result I was offered representation in the states right away. One of my goals going into this project was to make personal work, and use that to identify a new agent who would be excited about this new direction I’m going into. It worked right away!.

Hubert Kang, Canada

Director and photographer





Reserve your place for just 600 NZD deposit (approx USD 365 at today's exchange rate)

Then choose 6 x monthly payments of NZD 1,155  (USD 721) starting one month after deposit.

OR 1 balance payment of NZD 6,300 (USD 3,935) one month after deposit.


Apply here


We believe you can shoot compelling personal work without a massive budget.

We know money can be a big block for any personal projects. And in turn that may affect your income.

In this workshop we show you how to make personal work again, and again, and again with or without a budget. You’ll leave with all the tools to ensure the potential costs that could come with personal projects, is never a block again.



There are a limited number of spaces on the workshops. Attendees will be selected on the basis of their work standard and experience, unless they have previously been approved. Apply to join us by clicking one of the green buttons, and I'll take a look at your work and discuss your personal project goals. 


“The insights gained, lessons learnt and friendships formed go way beyond a single project and is something I would recommend any photographer wanting to open new doors to be a part of.

Mark Carter, New Zealand.

Lurzers Archive Top 200 Advertising photographer.




Apply here

The call is for professional photographers only. We will discuss your suitability for the program, and if I don't think it's right for you I may make other suggestions to support your photography journey. If I do invite you to join, you are under no obligation to register.


Please Email help(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) if you have any questions and you can see our Terms & Conditions here

“Beyond rare. Photography is competitive. So can be the participants at a photo workshop, and then nothing is more boring.

This is not that workshop. Aside from completing a killer new series, the most beneficially unique part of this whole experience, for me, and why I'll spread the word...the people. The dynamic between Christina Force and Billy Plummer within this Series Project group was remarkable.

The informal but on-point push and pull fostered a willingness from everyone on the team to let down their guard, and openly support, share, laugh in the face of failure, even cross pollenate ideas like friends engaged in casual conversation. For this, creative boundaries dropped and the level of participation went through the roof.

I believe every photographer's series (including my own) were elevated because of how they shaped and encouraged the group's involvement by example. This also lead to several discussions about improved possibilities for projects afterword.

Exceptionally RAD!


Craig Abell Champion, USA

Award winning artist, film maker and photographer