Mentor and branding consultant to professional photographers

3 August, 2022

” I have always found that by asking people what they need, and where their challenges are, I can hone in on the ways I can help them.”

We had the good fortune of connecting with Christina Force and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Christina, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I’ve been a serial entrepreneur since I was young, so I think it’s something that I naturally do. I love coming up with ideas and solving problems and helping people, so this feeds into my process. I currently run 2 mentoring programmes- one is my own, and one is with a photographer, and we have an expression; ‘Ready, Fire. Aim’. I would say without exception that is how I have always begun any business I’ve launched. But there’s been an intuitive process every time: …READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE