Define Your Style
© Sara Orme

This is how the Blitz works

You’ll need to supply me with images (see below) but I don't work directly with you whilst going through this process- I just get on with a totally un-influenced sort-out of your best work.

When they're on your website people must fall in love with your images super quickly, and I will work from intuition (and over 20 years of showing photography to creatives around the world) to extract the very best of your photography.

  • You’ll receive an invitation to a Dropbox folder.
  • Please accept the invitation- this is how we’ll share images and files. It is unique to you (and me, but no one else has access to your work).
  • If you need help with installing or using Dropbox, jump on over here for instructions.
  • Load up your images to the folder at least 24 hours PRIOR to your chosen date
  • I’ll then blitz your work, extracting the hero shots and putting them into a folder in our Dropbox file.
  • We'll have our Zoom call, which is the time you will have booked.
  • Please allow an hour for this call.


  1. Must be j pegs (No PDF or Tiff files)
  2. Must open to at least 800 pixels in width (but not huge- just so I can see detail)
  3. Send everything from your existing website - Commissioned and personal. No more than 300 shots though!
  4. No spreads/ montages/ diptychs please- must be separate images even if they ran together
  5. No typography, logos or copy if possible (unless it is part of the shot)
  6. Some ungraded/ Work in progress shots are fine but please indicate this- perhaps put them in a separate folder
  7. Include images that you are most proud of, and enjoyed shooting, and could see yourself shooting more.
  8. Include personal shots (This is crucial so that I understand your true passion).
  9. Please put everything in one folder- no separate folders (See exception 6 above)
  10. If in doubt, include it! (Within reason- see 11)
  11. Ideally provide no more than 300 images.

I look forward to helping you define your hero style!

What my clients say

After I started working with Christina I started to think more about what I liked to shoot and to focus more on that type of work. The Image Blitz was really interesting. I think now I have more faith in myself that what I like shooting, my personal work is actually really good and should be shown.

Mark Coote, Photographer, Wellington