Covid has presented many challenges and it’s times like this that cracks in your business start to show.
If you’ve been neglecting your marketing, it's going to be more obvious than ever.
If you’ve been ignoring personal work, you may be struggling with what to shoot for yourself.
Uncertainty and indecision are most likely affecting your ability to think clearly.
Challenges present opportunity and if you want to be a photographer who rises to the challenge, rather than jumping ship, I’m here to help.
Wherever you are in the world you need to redefine your direction, identify your brand magic, figure out who to target and start actively marketing and reaching out to clients who can pay you to shoot what you love. NOW.
And then you need to shoot more of what you love, because that’s your biggest marketing tool.
I’ve been running my business helping pro photographers globally for 10 years, and almost entirely online.
I’ve helped hundreds of image makers rebrand and relaunch their careers, increase their income, and create personal work that they never knew they were capable of, all via online communication and training.
My clients are used to tuning into Zoom conversations, presenting online, being part of amazing online communities and building lasting friendships with photographers they’ve never met in person, simply because they live on opposite sides of the world.
It's one of the challenges I faced and overcame being a photo mentor based in New Zealand on the bottom of the earth.
You don’t need to do this alone, even in isolation, quarantine, or lockdown.
You don’t need to give up just because your local market has dried up.
Below are ways you can work with me online, and for New Zealanders, click here to find out how to apply for government funding for my programmes and other services.
It's times like this when your potential can shine. Let me show you how.